State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: S.B. 1535

            Brophy McGee Floor Amendment

            Reference to: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES

Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council




1.    Requires the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) to report to the Opioid Use Disorder Review Council (Council) regarding:

a)    the number of patients treated by each opioid treatment program (OTP) provider;

b)   the number of patients treated by each treatment type; and

c)    the length of stay for each treatment type.

2.    Directs the Council to make recommendations to AHCCCS regarding OTP models in other states and patient outcomes.

3.    Modifies the Council membership to include:

a)    representatives from an OTP and an office-based OTP;

b)   an administrator of a publicly-funded OTP; and

c)    a representative of a commercial healthcare insurer.

4.    Requires that an OTP disclose a process for community contacts to notify AHCCCS's Clinical Resolution Unit regarding deficiencies as part of the prescribed community relations plan.

5.    Directs AHCCCS to provide notification before suspending reimbursement for failure to comply with required reporting requirements for OTPs.

6.    Requires the Director of AHCCCS to publish the draft and final standards for OTP centers of excellence (COE) and requires that at least two public hearings be held prior to implementing COE standards.

7.    Makes technical and conforming changes.  




Fifty-fourth Legislature                                             Brophy McGee

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1535




(Reference to HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Committee amendment)


Page 1, between lines 9 and 10, insert:

"Line 16, strike "best practices" insert "standards""

Strike line 13, insert:

"Strike lines 41 through 44

Page 2, strike lines 1 and 2, insert:"

Page 2, between lines 23 and 24, insert:

"(vii)  Disclosing the process for community contacts to notify the Administration's clinical resolution unit of any unresolved problems or deficiencies that includes, if appropriate, coordination with the state opioid treatment authority."

Renumber to conform

Strike line 30

Line 31, strike "the comma" insert "timelines"

After line 32, insert:

"Line 17, after "administration" insert ", with appropriate notification to the provider,""

Page 3, line 10, after the period insert "The director of the Arizona health care cost containment system shall publish the draft standards on the administration's public website and hold at least two public hearings to receive input before implementing the standards.  The administration shall publish the final standards for designating centers of excellence for treating opioid use disorder on its public website.


Reletter to conform

Page 3, line 11, after "standards" insert "established pursuant to subsection A of this section"

Line 14, strike "office based" insert "office-based"

Strike lines 26 through 28

Reletter to conform

Page 4, lines 8 and 9, strike "and the American society of addiction medicine" insert ", a federally designated accreditation agency for rehabilitation facilities and the Administration"

Page 5, line 1, strike "Three representatives" insert "A representative"; after "from" insert "a"; strike "organizations" insert "organization"

Line 2, after the period strike remainder of line

Strike line 3

Lines 4 and 6, after "A" strike remainder of line insert "representative of"

Between lines 7 and 8, insert:

"(e)  An administrator of a publicly funded opioid treatment program.

(f)  A representative of a commercial health care insurer."

Reletter to conform

Line 8, strike "city" insert "municipality"

Line 12, after "of" insert "more than two hundred thousand and"

Line 13, strike "one million" insert "two hundred ten thousand"

Between lines 17 and 18, insert:

"D.  The Arizona health care cost containment system administration shall provide reports periodically on a schedule determined by the council that include the following information based on utilization data received by the administration and in compliance with all federal and state privacy laws and regulations:

1.  The number of patients provided medication‑assisted treatment services for each provider submitting claims and encounters received by the administration for services during the period covered by the report.

2.  The treatment type, if available, including medications and other related services provided by each provider and the number of patients receiving those treatment types and services.

3.  The length of stay based on utilization data for each treatment type."

Reletter to conform

Page 5, line 25, strike "Direct" insert "Availability of and barriers to"

Between lines 27 and 28, insert:

"(d)  Other state licensure and treatment models that provide outpatient opioid treatment.

(e)  Patient outcomes that are reported to the Arizona health care cost containment system administration by contracted providers who receive reimbursement for medication‑assisted treatment for opioid use disorder."

Amend title to conform







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